Friday, September 12, 2008

In Remembrance....

WARNING: There is some not-so-nice language in this video. It's not vulgar or gross--just the reaction of firefighters watching an airplane smash into the WTC tower.)

I can still remember September 11, 2001 like it was yesterday. I was teaching 3rd grade remedial reading with a bunch of rowdy but lovable boys. Someone came into my room and said the twin towers in Atlanta had been bombed. (There are two towers, called "The King and Queen" off I-85.) I climbed up on a table, turn the wall-mounted TV so my kids couldn't see it, and watched (I had muted the sound) in horror as the second plane flew into the second WTC tower on live TV. Several parents came and picked their children up. I wanted to run to the security of our little duplex, as well. I'm honestly not sure how I got through the rest of that day. I was pregnant with Maddie and all I could think of was that I was bringing this sweet little thing into such a ugly world.

1 comment:

Sant Family said...

I was nursing Joseph, still in bed, the kids were at school (it was 9 am here) and Larry called me from work. All I could think was what kind of world did I bring kids into? Later I heard Dr. Laura say, "When is it a good time to bring kids into the world? Natzi Germany? The plague? The dark ages? Now more than ever the world needs good people having babies." (OR something close to that) and I felt better.

Rachel's birthday is 9/11. Poor kid.