Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 (well 28) Random Facts About Me

I posted this on my Facebook page (look me up, if we're not already FB friends!) and thought it would make a mighty fine blogger post. :)

1. I'm doing this because I lie in bed at night thinking of all things I could write in this post! Dumb, I know. (Maybe it's a fear of not having 25 things to write about myself.) But I'm tired of having all of these thoughts running through my head when I want to go to sleep.

2. I went to Alaska after I graduated high school with my grandma. I was disappointed that it wasn't someplace more exotic but I LOVED it and am grateful for the experience. (especially for the memories of the hottie assistant captain who my grandma and I stalked the entire time. lol)

3. I have an embroidery business that I love--it's a way to support an expensive habit. ( is my website.)

4. I love keeping in touch with old friends. I think that's why I love Facebook so much.

5. I'm the oldest kid in my family and I wouldn't have it any other way.

6. I never cared if I had a son or not. I definitely wanted a girl. But now that I have a boy, I wouldn't have it any other way.

7. I have no desire to birth any more children (or to even try for that matter), but I want to adopt at least one more chocolate baby boy. I love my little man!!

8. I live vicariously through my athletically-talented daughter. She's an amazing little gymnast for a 7-year-old (in my humble opinion) and anyone who knows me knows that sports are bad for my self-esteem!

9. I am a newly commissioned stay-at-home mom. (Well, work from home is more like it.) I love it 97% of the time.

10. I taught school for 8 years. Seven years in third grade and one year in preschool.

11. I'm done teaching and ready for something else.

12. I have NO idea what that something else is. Law? Dental hygiene? Graphic design? Interior design?

13. I love the south and love living in a small city.

14. I'd love to live in a big city (NYC) for a year or so.

15. When Aaron dies (hahaha), Maddie and I are getting a house on the beach. (My non-beach loving husband says he'll have to be dead before I buy one.)

16. Aaron and I met in December, were engaged in January and got married in May. We were crazy in love (and lust.) And after almost 11 years, there are still things we discover about one another on an almost daily basis.

17. I have very few favorites--I love everything. I love most colors, most kinds of foods, almost all kinds of music (especially country and hip hop (shake it, baby!) ) and most kinds of house decorating styles.

18. I have a hard time making up my mind. (see #17)

19. I get very easily frustrated when people don't follow through or fulfill their responsibilities. But then I feel guilty for getting irritated.

20. I HATE being told what to do. I've been that way since I was in diapers, I think.

21. I have a very strong sense of right and wrong.

22. I am a liberal Republican. (How's that for not being able to make up my mind?) Most of my opinions/beliefs are Republican but I have a lot of Democratic tendencies.

23. Incorrect grammar is a huge pet peeve of mine. I don't like no bad English.

24. I think cleaniness is next to godliness but I hate cleaning! There are so many more interesting things to do. But I feel very unsettled when I have a messy house.

25. I have lots of good friends but have a hard time making close friends. (Probably since everyone at church is only here for a short time since most are in grad school.)

26. Even though I haven't seen my oldest friends in a long time (10+ years for some), I still count them as my best friends.

27. When I'm wealthy some day (okay, stop laughing), I want to start an adoption scholarship program. There are way too many good families who would make great adoptive families but they just can't afford the outrageous fees that most agencies charge. I think everyone should adopt!!

28. I am a very loyal BYU fan. I grew up yelling "Roll Tide" and an surrounded on all sides by crazy UGA fans, but after graduating from BYU, I yell "C-O-U-G-A-R-S" when the Georgia cheerleaders and fans are saying "G-E-O-R-G-I-A." I've promised Maddie a car if she goes to my alma mater. And I don't care how unethical or sleazy you think that is. lol

If you haven't already done this (or something like it) then TAG! YOU'RE IT!!


Jaime said...

loved it.. and ditto #4, 14 (would love to live overseas for a year or two), 21, 23 (i hate finding typos in books, too!), and #25- I think you're very good about staying in touch with old friends and making new friends (i remember you befriending me when i moved there b/c we both had Madelyn/Madeline babies and loved scrapbooking:)

Sant Family said...

I am desperate to live in NYC for no more than one year. I just want to do that for a little while. And them go back to my slower pace that I love.

jen said...

We have a lot in common! I can be very indecisive, I would love to have a beach house, living in NYC for a year would be fantasic, I don't like to be told what to do (must have to do with being an oldest child as well) and I am a huge BYU fan. Great list Wendi!

Elizabeth said...

You'll ALWAYS be my best friend too!

Sant Family said...

This is just a follow up to your comments on my blog, since you NEVER update your blog!

Let's absolutely arrange for Joseph and Maddie to get married. That would be perfect. Being the 5th child he is easy going enough for an oldest daughter. Also, think of how cute their kids would be.

Also, I TOTALLY know what you mean about violin-man-hands. I just never thought of putting it that way. I totally laughed out loud!

Jared and Katy said...

HAHA I'm the same way with sports and I hate it, I wish I could play some sort of sport well!