Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Modern Stone-Age Family...

I worked like a mad woman, but I got all of our costumes finished just in time to go to the church Trunk-or-Treat last night. (I mean that literally--I was still adding "leopard spots" to Wesley's costume after we should've already been there. :)

Aaron and I are, of course, Wilma and Fred, with Maddie as Pebbles and Wesley as Bam-Bam. I made costumes for our friends, Steve and Robyn, so they could be Betty and Barney.

Aaron's costume is a little too snug (teeheehee) and mine was way too big. (Plus it was heavy white fabric. The combination of those things was NOT slimming or cute. Hence the jacket. Well, and it was also like 40 degrees. We were all freezing.) Maddie's bone and Wesley's club are paper-mache. My necklace is made of marshmallows. I bought big beads to paint, but totally forgot about them until it was too late. My super-smart husband came up with the last minute idea. Genius! (Thankfully it was cold--otherwise I would've been a sticky mess.)

Wesley was not excited about trick-or-treating. A little kid had on a crazy-scary mask and Wesley flipped out when he saw it. :) It wasn't until we started shoving candy at him that he calmed down.


Sant Family said...

Girl, you and I are equally crazy!! So far I have made 2 three muskateer costumes, almost done with Tinkerbell, almost done with Peter Pan, mostly done with Caesar, mostly done with Indiana Jones, and mostly done with an indian princess costume. It's the "mostly done" that is just killing me!

Your costumes look so cute! I love them! I hate it when kids wear scary things and think it is funny to scare the crap out of little kids. Kind of ticks me off!

julie said...

I love your costumes. You did a great job! Wesley looks so cute and I love his little club. I can just imagine him dragging it around and hitting things just like Bam Bam. What a fun idea. Thanks for letting me know that Wesley has been saying my name. It made my day. I miss and love that little guy.

Kristin B. said...

You are too creative! I've never done a whole family theme. You guys all look great!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is sooooo cute!! Good job with the idea and the execution- you all look great!

jen said...

You guys look great! Good job on the costumes! I am so impressed.

Whitings said...

Love, Love, Love them!!! Your awesome!

Sant Family said...

NOT about this post - but did you know that the creative homemaker
( totally did a post about your shop? I told her about you :)! I am so pleased! I hope that the post she did generates business for you!

Love, Tif