Disclaimer--this post is all about how wonderful we think Maddie is. We realize that no one loves their kids like parents do, but we just want to brag on her. She deserves it!
Maddie had a GREAT Kindergarten year. She had a wonderful teacher who taught her SO much. Maddie has most of her addition facts memorized, is reading on a mid-first grade level and won several awards this year. Here's a run-down of her honors:
Golden Gator--This award is like the typical "student of the month." Students are honored at the monthly awards ceremony. They get a certificate and a medal. Maddie wore hers around the house for a week.
(Sorry the picture is so lousy, the lighting is dark in the gym and I was sitting way far away. I zoomed in as much as I could.)
Georgia Young Author Award--One child from each grade is chosen to compete in a county writing competition. Maddie won for the Kindergarten at Ila Elementary and then she won the county level as well. She was honored at a Board of Education meeting. We'll find out if her piece was chosen from the regional level at the end of the summer. From there it could go on to state. :) Maddie is a great writer! We LOVE reading the stories she brought home from school.
(Maddie with the other Ila students who won and their teachers. Mrs. Pearson is in brown and our principal, Mrs. Jeffers, is to the left of Maddie.)
Fastest Girl--At our school's Field Day, Maddie won the 40-yard dash (or "41 dash" as she called it) for her class. They had all of the winners from each Kindergarten class compete and she beat all the other fast runners. She was very excited and her daddy was VERY proud.
Citizenship Award--At the "Kindergarten Celebration" at the end of the year, Maddie was awarded her class's Citizenship Award. This honor goes to the top boy and girl in each class who have shown exceptionally good behavior over the course of the year. Maddie only "pulled 4 cards" the entire year! (Some kids pull that many in a day.) Thankfully she's one of those kids who are little angels at school--despite being (way) less than perfect at home.
(Maddie and her friend, Caroline, who also won her class's Citizenship award.)
Gymnastics--Maddie didn't win any awards per se, but she really had a great year at the gym. She did SO well at the gym's "Tumble Bee." (They have a performance every year to showcase the gymnasts' talents.) She was the only one in her class who remembered the entire floor routine. Maddie is in a more advanced class and her teacher said that she has really matured and made great strides this year.
Big Sister--Maddie made a great transition from being an only child to a big sister. It wasn't always easy (imagine having to share the attention and affection of your parents after being the sole child for over 5 years!) But Maddie absolutely adores Wesley and he loves her just as much. She is so good at helping--she'll fetch anything we need and usually with only minimal complaining. :)
We are really proud of our Maddie Moo and can't wait to see what else she has in store for us!
Maddie is such a cute girl! That is great that she got all those awards. I didnt realize she was the same age as my daughter. I am a little bit sad that she will be going to first grade soon! They grow up too fast.
BTW, I hope you don't mind me commenting every now and then. It is fun to see what your family is up to!
Ok.....I"m totally retarded, but this post brought tears to my eyes......I'm so totally proud of our sweet, smart little Maddie!!! Love her!
Well, our kindergarter had the opposite year! She was the one pulling "4+ cards" a day. At least she's cute
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