Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Three Times in One Night...

I've been sitting at this computer for hours now, feeling my butt go numb, but I finally have a chance to check out everyone's blogs, so I'm taking advantage of the kids being asleep and my "24"-addicted husband being downstairs watching his favorite show for hours at a time. (He's trying to catch up on all the "24" episodes. It's much too intense for me.)

Anyway, I've been tagged! So if you haven't done this yet, YOU'RE IT!

Three Joys: My family, The beach, The gospel

Three Fears: Continuing to gain weight at such a rapid speed that I explode, The creepy crawly furry centipedes in the basement, That we'll have to go on welfare since I'm not working next year

Three Goals: Lose weight, Catch up on my scrapbooking (which I haven't done for years), Be better at doing the things I know I should be doing (personal prayers, scripture study, FHE, etc, etc, etc)

Three Current Obsessions/Collections: Embroidery (I'm getting a fancy new machine on Friday!!!), Reading (The summer is the only time I have to read.), Exercising (HA! This is a lie I try to talk myself into every day!)

Three Random Facts: I'm becoming more liberal (maybe open-minded is a better way to put it) and less straight-laced the older I get, I love GA but would like to live overseas or some place exciting for a little while; I want to live in a small town for the rest of my life; My life is full of contradictions that totally confuse my husband. (See random facts #2 & #3)


Elizabeth said...

Wow.......three posts......you rock!!

Anonymous said...

Man, I don't check in for a few days, and you go crazy with the posting! ;) I haven't had anything to post about for a few days, so I'm going to steal your tag! :)

Jaime said...

funny posts! i like the last comment about confusing hubby, they're confusing about women anyway, right? and thanks again for taking the kids! home now, and everything turned out ok after several tests that had them worried, it all ended up ok. just a weird virus.