Sunday, March 16, 2008

Scariest night of our lives

Okay, so this seems like just a bad dream now, but last night the scariest thing EVER happened to us.

At about 1:15 AM, I hear knocking and the doorbell ringing. I wake up and think it's just in my head. No, I hear it again and it's definitely real. So I wake Aaron up and he's like, "I'm not answering the door." Well, about 30 seconds later it happens again and this time I hear horrible sobbing. I am SCARED TO DEATH at this point. I'm scream-whispering to Aaron to DO SOMETHING and he's looking at me like I'm crazy. I go to Maddie's room because she has a room that faces the street and I don't see anything. The knocking stops but no one ever comes off the front porch. I'm shaking from fear. We finally get it together enough to get our phones to call the police but both of our phones are in the living room and we're afraid that the person at the door might see us through the window at the top of the door. I'm thinking this is some kind of gang initiation where they use a lure to get into someone's house and then do who-knows-what to the poor homeowners. Then Aaron says "What if it's Corie?" Corie is my 19-year-old sister who lives in Athens. So then I really start freaking out.
Just at that moment, I see two police officers walking through our yard. Apparently the person at teh door was the girlfriend of the our neighbor's son. Sheila is out of town and they have been staying at her house. (Sheila looks our age, so I didn't even know she had a child that old.) I guess they got in an argument and he beat the holy crap out of her. She ran out and was trying to get help. The worst part is that she was holding their 18-month-old little girl the entire time this jerk was beating her up.
When she couldn't get us to answer the door, she ran next door and they called 911 and helped her out. (It's a house of 4-5 men, so I guess they weren't as scared as us.)
And apparently this isn't the first time he's done this because when he police asked her if this had ever happened before she said, "Yes, btu never this bad." The jerk also stole her car but when the police asked her if she wanted to report it stolen, she just kept saying, "I just want my car back."
Being the nosy neighbors that we are, we watched the rest of the drama through Maddie's blinds. The police took pictures of her face and neck. Later, the deadbeat came back to the house. (Apparently he wasn't afraid she would call for help. Stupid girl. She's probably bailing him out of jail as I write this.) So, we got to see the police arrest him. I swear it was like watching an episode of "Cops."
Oh, and of course both kids woke up in the middle of the craziness. Maddie was just as freaked out as I was, and Wesley was like, "Hey, everyone's awake--party time!"
CRAZ,Y, CRAZY, CRAZY!! I have never been into guns, mostly becuase they scare me, but after last night, I told Aaron that we are getting one.


Elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh that is freaky! How sad for that girl. But just a scary situation all the way around!

Sant Family said...


And I just think girls need to grow a spine. I get so mad, I forget to feel sorry and that poor kid!

A few things (here is the mom in me):

~One word - peephole.

~Another word - BLINDS!!! Really, the neighbors have complained about Aaron walking around naked to get his midnight bowl of icecream. It's time. :)

~GET A PHONE UPSTAIRS!! A corded one! (A corded one, so if it is the boogie man and he cut the power to your house, you can still call 911 from the comfort of your bed) Or at least charge your cell phone upstairs!

~Doesn't Aaron have a good, strong baseball bat? Larry does and he keeps it behind his nightstand (for all you would be stalkers, he knows how to swing it, too!)

~My final comment. What happened to you has NEVER happened to us (knock on wood) and I think you would be safe if you moved to Spokane. So, that would be MY suggestion (and everyone up here has a shotgun and a chainsaw, and for that matter, a good branch chipper, so you would fit right in!)

And, by the way, our friend's kid was home alone over the weekend (he is 17) and he put one of those zip ties around his neck to see what would happen, and what happened was he couldn't breathe. So he ran to the neighbors, they wouldn't answer, either. The neighbor across the street happened to look out his window and see Jared running, and then saw him pass out on the lawns between the houses and called 911 and saved his life. Whew!! (AND some teenage boys are so stupid!!!)

Amanda said...

Something sort of like this happened to us. Some Mexican men got confused going to or coming from a party in the middle of the night. They ended up parked in our yard behind my house, headlights shining into our bedroom. So here is my advice on the whole gun thing. Josh has like 6 guns. They are all locked up in the safe because I don't think you want even one gun unlocked and let's say under your mattress. (had small one there once, Jonathon found it and asked me what it was, it was moved immediately) By the time you can get the safe unlocked and get the gun out, it's probably too late, anyway. Except in the case of the confused Mexicans on my lawn. Don't ever make a man with a gun feel threatened for his family. Eventually, Josh did allow the Mexicans to leave and they have never been back. So, I'm with 'Sants' on the whole big bat idea.
Sorry, my comment was way too long.

Jaime said...

wow, that is scary. i was walking around block one day and saw a couple fighting, she took off running and he was starting after her until he saw me coming with the kids and he went back inside. She looked like she felt dumb and said to me "I'm just getting fresh air". I wish I'd said you need to get help and stop the situation, but I was too afraid to get into their business.I hate seeing that happen to women!

Tenille said...

SCARY!!! Your mind went to the gang initiation thing from all your HP days right?

The Clanton Gang said...

Tif--I'm with you on the peephole! I was just thinking a few days before this that we needed one. As for the phones, we will be keeping one, if not both of our cell phones in our room when we go to bed at night. We don't have a home phone, just cell phones. As for the door, we probably just need to get a new one. It has a little window at the very top of the door that's too tall for me to see out of, even when I'm on my tip toes, but someone really tall could see in. I don't even know if they make blinds for windows that small.

Tenille (and for all of you wondering what HP is)--Hispanic Panic wasn't a gang. They were just a group of cute Latin guys who hung around together and eventually ended up selling drugs and going to prison. LOL Actually, as far as I know, nothing illegal was happening when I was hanging out with them (middle school.) They didn't get involved in anything crazy until after I was smart enough to find a different group of friends. :)