Sunday, January 20, 2008

The "Newest" News...

Let's see, life in the Clanton household has been CRAZY!! Christmas was a whirlwind of family, driving, friends and driving!! Needless to say, we are still feeling the effects of Wesley getting off schedule and being rocked/fed to sleep at night. He's spoiled rotten now. :)

The biggest bit of news for us happened right before and right after Christmas. On December 17, Wesley's adoption was finalized, much to our relief. Not that there was ever any question or need to worry. It was just nice to have it finally legal! (This should have happened a month earlier, but was delayed thanks to the department of human resources who told us they had never received our fingerprints that were sent to them last December. The prints showed up in our mailbox in August with an "incomplete" notice in them. The paperwork was sent back to LDSFS with the same notice attached.)

And most importantly, Wesley was sealed to us on January 5 at the Atlanta temple. :) It was an awesome day! We had a TON of family and friends there--we felt like a million bucks to walk in the sealing room and see it filled to capacity with the people we love the most. What a blessing! And Maddie was walking on cloud nine because she was able to observe the whole thing. She still tells people (members and non) that she was the only kid who got to go in the temple. And the day was even more special because we were able to bless Wesley right after the sealing. Because so many people came from all over the southeast and most couldn't stay for our 1:00 church the next day, we used the chapel right behind the temple to bless Wesley and feed everyone before their long drive home. It was wonderful and happy and I have got to sit down and write about it in Wesley's baby book. :)

Yesterday was Maddie's 6th birthday party. I went a little overboard, as I usually do, with the Hollywood theme that she picked out. We decorated Aaron's gym at his school and it basically looked like a high school prom (or better than, says my sister lol) We had a punch fountain(like at weddings) and a chocolate fountain, glitter stars hanging from the ceiling and a powerpoint of "Maddie throught the years" playing on the big screen. A little boy in Maddie's class even brought her a corsage that matched her dress. :) It was a ton of fun and Aaron is very glad it's over! He keeps waiting for me to say I'm done with the big parties, but it's never going to happen. And now I get to start thinking about Wesley's first birthday in May. :) Aaron will be so excited. lol I'll post pictures once I get them from my mom (she took all the pictures).


Sant Family said...

I am so glad that you updated and found a new blog!!! YEAH!!!

I LOVE seeing pictures of your family! Wesley is YUMMY!! Maddie is darling!

I can hardly wait to see pictures of Maddie's party! Maybe I can get some good ideas. (I am so dry on party ideas right now.)

Thanks for getting a new blog and posting.

Love, Tif

Elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh.....Hurry and post the pictures. I can't wait to see them. How much did all of that cost? LOL
Love ya!

The Flynn's said...

Scott is laughing at your Step by Step song! Love the party that you did for Maddie. That's such a great idea!

The Clanton Gang said...

Hey--I am not afraid to profess my love for NKOTB! :) Seriously, they have a new song out! I can't wait to hear the whole thing. LOL

The Flynn's said...

Yeah, I heard New Kids were making a come back! Remember how awesome they were back in the day. I can't remember the name of the one I was in love with, the tall one with dark hair. What was his name?

Audrey said...

I remember you saying NKOTB would be bigger then the Beatles!