Monday, January 28, 2008


Back in November, we had family pictures taken. The Botanical Gardens were absolutely beautiful and Heather, the photographer, was great. ( is her website.) We paid WAY too much for the pictures, but they were worth every penny! :) The turned out beautifully--especially the ones of the kids!


Sant Family said...

Those are beyond gorgeous! You guys are a beautiful family and you both look the same as you did the last time I saw you!

Wendi, you do know that you know two people who know people I know, right? You are like Kevin Bacon and 6 degrees of separation.

The Clanton Gang said...

LOL Thanks! But I didn't put the pictures up that show how fat I've gotten. :)
Weird about the people we have in common, huh? When I talked to her on the phone (she was at my best friend, Elizabeth's house), she said Larry was a hottie football player. :)

Sant Family said...

Yes, Larry was, if you check out my blog, you can go back to Larry's birthday tribute and see pictures from "back then". I still see him that way :). I hope he does the same for me.

I wish you lived closer. Seeing your blog makes me miss you.

Kristin B. said...

So cute!! I'll get around one of these days to updating my blog... :)

Jon Scoresby said...

Good looking family you have there. Aaron looks so scholarly with the sweater vest and the glasses.

The Clanton Gang said...

I can dress him, as you can tell. :) (Well, not the glasses--he's needed those for a while.) You can take the PE teacher out of the gym, but you cannot take the gym (and the acccompanying sweatpants and sneakers) out of the PE teacher. :)