I always make breakfast in bed for the birthday girl/boy. Maddie LOVES this! She also gets to open presents from Mom & Dad and grandparents on the morning of her birthday. She loves this even more. :)

The day of Maddie's birthday was a big day. Her gym was performing before the Gym Dogs (The University of Georgia's gymnastics team)meet. Maddie invited all the girls in her class to come over before the meet for dinner, cake and ice cream. My mom made the cake. (Amazing, huh?) Then we took the girls to Stegman Coliseum for the big event.

(Yes, Maddie's chest looks unusually large in this picture. Even though she's had boobies since she was born, the leotard amplifies the situation. And the six hours of gymnastics practice every week have really toned Maddie up. The girl has crazy upper-body strength.)